Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Us Missionaries Have to Stick Together!

We tracted into a lovely lady last week. We had actually offered her a card a few days earlier, and she didn't take it because she was in a hurry, but she was nice. It was a little awkward when she answered the door since we had already met her, but we got past that real quick.

We asked her about her beliefs, and she explained how she was part of an outreach ministry of some sort (I don't remember what it's called). We shared some of our beliefs, then we offered her a Book of Mormon card. She accepted it and said, "Can I give you mine, too?" We said sure! As she was grabbing her cards she said, "Us missionaries have to stick together!"

It's so true! We should all be missionaries. A huge part of being a missionary is being examples of Christ to everyone we meet.

Sometimes that means taking cookies to your neighbor for no other reason than just to have a nice little chat because you're neighbors.

Sometimes that means saying hi to someone at school or work or the store who you wouldn't normally say hi to.

Sometimes that means going out of your way to be kind to someone in your home! Sometimes I think that one gets overlooked. We think, "Okay, if I want to do service, I have to dedicate two hours a week to helping at the food bank (or fill in the blank)." Guys, all you have to do is do your sibling's chore once in a while or write someone a sweet note.

Invitation: Do one tiny sweet thing every day this week.

I promise (promise promise promise) you'll be way happier if you do it with love. Think of the Savior.

I know it works 'cause I've tried it.

That's all.

Love y'all!

Sister McKay

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Georgia on My Mind

Y'all, I LOVE Georgia.

The people, the culture, the beauty.

The scenery here is amazing.

Every night as I'm driving home for dinner or whatever it might be, I look at the sunset. Sunsets here are always incredible. They shine through the tall pine trees and just look miraculous. They make me smile and remind me of God's love for me. He created this beautiful earth and beautiful skies for me to live in. It reminds me of this song my parents sang to me when I was younger:

Everyone here is so friendly and polite.

On multiple occasions, I have ordered something in the McDonald's drive thru, and when I thank the lady taking my order she says, "You're welcome, baby!" It gives me a cute little warm fuzzy feeling, every time!

The culture here is diverse and wonderful.

Everyone talks to you like you're one of them. Because you are! Everyone is a child of God, and everyone here knows it! Everyone knows not only who Christ is but also what He did and why it's important, and everyone wants so badly to follow His example. Everyone wants to do and be good, and it shows in their actions.

Be your own kind of southerner.

Be awesome.

Love y'all!

Sister McKay

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Just Keep Swimming...

I've just thought lately... You really have to keep on keeping on sometimes. That's why we have this thing in the gospel called "enduring to the end."

Never stop feeling. Don't let yourself become numb. I promise that when you let the Spirit work with you, you'll be able to see God's blessings and tender mercies in your life.

Love y'all!

Sister McKay