Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Did You Ever Think This Day Would Come?

I didn't.

It's my last week as a missionary and I'm determined to make it my best.

This week, I felt the Spirit so strong as my companion and I taught about the plan of salvation to members.

I want y'all to know that God's plan is a plan of love.

Commandments are meant to bring us joy, right? As we keep God's commandments, we feel freedom from the sadness and bondage of negative consequences as a result of our actions.

What's the first and great commandment?

Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul.

As we love God, we'll be willing to do anything for Him. We'll keep His commandments willingly, and everything else will fall into place: we'll learn humility, patience, charity, faith, diligence, obedience, virtue, etc.

And as we do this, we'll be blessed with understanding.

As we love God, it will become easy to love others, thus obeying the second great commandment, which is to love others as ourselves.

And as we do all of these things, we'll not only experience the freedom that comes from not being subject to the consequences of making poor choices, we'll experience the love of God, which is the purest joy.

Thus, all of the gospel ties together. The whole purpose of this life is to have joy: "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25). We can have joy as we obey (first law of heaven) the first and great commandments.

Loving God is wonderful. It makes everything worth it.

See y'all in 6 days!
Sister McKay

From mom:
For those interested, she will speak at our church in Herriman on July 15 at 10:30. We will stay for church until 1:30 and then have an open house at our home until whenever time that evening. You are welcome to stop by! She will also be speaking in our old ward in Sandy on August 19 at 11:00. Message me for addresses! We are so excited! -Sarah