Monday, August 20, 2018


If I were to say, “I loved every minute of my mission!” that would be a lie.

I didn’t love every minute.

But every minute was worth it.

I will say I love being home. Nothing beats spending time with the people you love most,
in the places you love most, with the food you love most, and with a phone that has
access to Siri and your favorite music (c’mon, let’s be honest here).

I would not, however, trade my mission for anything. I grew and learned so much, and I
really realized how unprepared I was for… well, life. The experiences I had were

The funny thing about that is that I really, really didn’t want to go. Growing up, and
especially just before I left, the idea of serving a mission was terrifying and unpleasant.
Talking with people, knocking on doors, sharing the gospel with people I didn’t know (did
I even know how to share it?), and putting myself out there in numerous other possible
ways for 18 months straight was probably the most unappealing experience I could think
of at the time. 

So, I’ve been asking myself: what changed? What’s different now?

The thing is, my mission taught me to love.

Love life.
Love the little things.
Love learning.
Love myself.
Love other people (especially those who didn’t share my beliefs).
Love the gospel.
Love the Savior.

How could I trade any of that for the life and perspective I had lived before my mission?

I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. I won’t.

I know that this gospel is meant for every person, because every person is loved. My
mission taught me that.

I will forever cherish the invaluable treasure God granted me when I decided to heed
the prompting He sent me to embark on a mission for Him. It has truly changed my life.

~Sister Amory