Tuesday, May 29, 2018

New Things

I got transferred to Beaufort, SC, for my last 6 weeks. Sister Morrill and I are whitewashing.
Miracles happen, and we are going to see them here. I'll let y'all know what they turn out to be.
Coincidences are not a thing.
Don't let the devil get to you.
Love y'all!

Sister McKay

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Mom! And Other Randomness

Today's post is comprised of some explanations of my pictures.

One and Two
Mothers' Day was wonderful. Talking with my family is always a huge plus!! I love them! And I know I'll be with them forever, which just makes me so excited! My family is so important to me, and my mom is a huge blessing in my life. She's always been there for me and has set an extraordinary example of gospel living for me. Everything she does lets me know that she has an unshakeable belief in Christ. She is rock solid and I know she loves me and the rest of our family. I love you, Mom!!

My other pictures are less spiritual. Here we have a picture of a burned down trailer. It's amazing how little there is left of it. The neighbor across the street is a member of the church, and she told us it caught fire while the family was gone and just burned so fast. I believe it!

This one is of my wonderful companion and myself. We helped unload and sort food at the annual food drive. It was fun but exhausting! We were there all day, and it was super humid. We had also forgotten to eat lunch before we left. We didn't think we'd be there as long as we were! So we took a couple breaks. It was really fun!

Lastly, we have this wonderful cockroach. We found it on our floor one morning. It's hard to tell in the picture, but this thing was like over an inch long. This is a regular occurance at the "cottage," as we've nicknamed it. We find roaches upside down, dead, in the middle of the floor. I'm glad we don't have these in Utah...

My favorite part about this week is that the gospel just... I don't even know how to describe it... It feels more true every single day. I know Christ is the Savior of the world, and that God is our Father. Nothing could be more true than those two things.

Love y'all!!

Sister McKay

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Slow but Steady

We haven't found a ton of new investigators lately. We also haven't had anyone new coming to church lately. And no one we've met is preparing for baptism. But! We see the fruits of our labors in other ways. The work is moving forward slowly but surely.

My favorite thing about my current situation is that, while I've been in this slow, sluggish type of situation before, I've never been as happy in a situation like this as I am now. I've just felt so chipper lately! I believe it is due to the fact that I truly feel as though I've been giving it my all.

I've been doing my best to talk with every single person I can, no matter how awkward it is. I've learned to embrace the awkward. It's more rewarding than you might think!

As a result of this, I've been happier. I've seen the blessings that obedience to Christ's teachings brings into my life. I know He's real and He wants us to be happy.

And as a result of this increased happiness, I feel more like the real me. The person God wants me to be. The person I have the potential to become. That person is joyful, confident, unafraid, and diligent. And I've been working to do what Heavenly Father wants me to so I can become so much more!

The process is slow but steady. But I'm seeing the fruits. Little ones. An apple here, a pear there. And they're yummy!

Y'all, nothing is as rewarding as seeing the blessings we're promised if we're obedient to Christ's teachings. To quote Elder Jeffery R. Holland, "Don’t give up ... Don’t you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. ... Trust God and believe in good things to come."

I know there will always be "good things to come" as we keep walking and trying.

Love y'all!!!

Sister McKay

1. My new, much shorter hair. If you didn't see my Facebook post, it was just suddenly much shorter because I kept messing up! But it's alright. It's actually much lighter, which will be nice as it gets warmer here.
2. My failed attempt to make some cheesy tuna patties as part of my keto diet thing. I kinda gave up and just ate them.
3. Vidalia. Where real Vidalia onions grow. It's famous!
2 & 3. Beautiful tree tunnel!
5. My old hair (notice how the pile is much bigger than the pile of hair was last time I cut it!)
6. This beautiful pond! With lily pads! It was at the end of a little road in a small sorority neighborhood.