Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Macon Miracles

So. Praying for miracles this week.

Joseph and Mary were progressing really well until we brought up the Word of Wisdom. I think they might have gotten overwhelmed. They told us they wouldn't be joining after all, but we said we could still come back and visit and they said that would be okay. Pray for them! I think as we keep visiting them and help them gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon, they'll eventually come around. We'll see.

Patrick hasn't been able to meet with us for a while, so we're working on catching him!

Nikki is an investigator that we're praying really hard for! She let us in one day because it was hot and we were tracting, and she gave us some water. She is so sweet! We're hoping the rest of her family will want to listen to the lessons, but we'll see what she says this next week.

Story Time
So, last week I had no time left to write my post. Here's what y'all missed.

Last Wednesday, there was a big storm near us. We weren't really affected, but we were on lock down with the rest of the zone, so we had to stay inside. The rain out here is real rain! It's so... wet... And I mean, it doesn't just kiiiiinda rain for a couple hours. It rains. All day. Lots of it. So we were inside. And we were bored. Very... bored...

We decided to make a blanket fort. It was so legit. And awesome. And wonderful. We watched Legacy in it, on our little DVD player, and had milkshakes for dinner. Seriously, it was painfully boring. But it was fun! Ya know, kinda.

Later, we heard that one of the ward missionaries from the Coker Springs ward (the other ward in our building) lost power at their house and had a tornado pop up. That was a little scary! But it was a little tornado that didn't cause too much damage, so everyone was fine and dandy. For the most part.

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but Sister Hale is a whole foot shorter than me, so it makes for some interesting conversations. I'm so tall and she's so short that she can stand on that bed in the picture and we'll still be almost the same height! The funny thing is that we get asked all the time if we're actually sisters, because our badges say "Sister." We surprised someone once when we told them we weren't biologically related. I definitely laughed!

Learning Curves
Well, people have agency, that's for sure. I've been learning that in-depth lately. Sister Hale and I have had some awesome chats about it during companion study. The cool thing is that people can choose to accept our message and apply to their lives! The less-than-cool thing is that people can also choose not to accept our message and apply it to their lives. Sister Hale says, "Agency is a blessing and a curse." It's really true. Used correctly, agency is a wonderful and beautiful gift that can bring us back to Heavenly Father and help us become like Him. Used incorrectly, agency will lead you away from Him and away from His presence. Agency is a divine gift. Don't forget that God gave you freedom of choice. It's the one thing He gave us that is truly and wholly ours to give back to Him. Use it wisely because it will change your eternal destiny.

"Remember that, if you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain." I know it's cheesy and you hear it all the time. I used to think, "But the rain is awesome!" Well, yeah, it is. But that's not what the quote means. It took on new meaning for me just this morning. We had been talking to our district leader the night before after we reported our numbers for the week, and we told him how the week had been a little rough and long. This morning, we got a text from him with that quote. It really reminded me that, as long as I'm giving it my all and doing my best to help others come unto Christ, God is going to bless me.

Rainbows are coming.

Go give 'em heaven!

Sister McKay

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