Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tender Mercies

One uponce a time, we were contacting (talking to everyone we saw), and we came up to these three younger girls. Their names were Adrianna, Jasmine, and Precious. We come up and tell them we're missionaries, and suddenly Precious (the oldest) says, "Oh, Jesus! I need a prayer! I'm so angry! I'm so mad! Y'all pray for me! Right now, let's pray!"

Sister Hale and I look at each other, hesitating slightly.

"Okay, we can say a prayer," I respond, trying not to look dumbfounded. We fold our arms.

"Alright, thank you! Hurry, let's say it right now! I'm so mad! Here, I'll kneel!" Precious suddenly kneels on the concrete right in front of us, her afro nearly touching my arms.

Sister Hale and I look at each other, astonished. I say to her, "Uuuuhhhh... I'll say it?"

Sister Hale nods. "Sure!"

I say a prayer and ask that she'll be calm and be peaceful. I'm sure I sounded like I was judging her hardcore. My voice was probably so high pitched. But it wasn't too bad! And no, I wasn't really judging. I was just completely bewildered.

Zebra. A companionship where one comp speaks Spanish and the other speaks English. It makes for some interesting stories, as I've been hearing from Elder Fuelling, who came here this transfer.

The Site. This is the radioactive site called "The Savannah River Site" that nearly everyone around here works at. Look it up!

Metha-bapta-costal. A non-denominational Christian. Sorta. Add any other religions you want to it! try this one: Metha-bapta-costal-terian-Mormon.

Sister-naries. Sister Missionaries, thank you very much.

We finally got to meet with Tiffany! We taught her about the Book of Mormon and she said she would read it! Yay!

And I'm out of time. I love y'all and I'm praying for you!!!

The church is true, the Book is blue, and Moroni's on the ball.

Christ loves you. I know it, and He knows it.

Sister McKay

Amory & her companion did a yard work service project this week.

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