Monday, June 19, 2017


Note from Sarah: I forgot to post this when it came last week so you'll get two this week instead. ;)

Yep. That's about all I can think to say about this transfer so far. Taking over the area has been insane, Sister Wagner is basically perfect (except not really because only Christ is perfect), and I can't believe it's already week 5 of the transfer!

Duke and Cookie met with us this week. Their other daughter, Ebony, joined us for the lesson partway through, and we gave her our last Book of Mormon. (We had to get some more from the elders a few days later.)

Ebony asked us, "So, how long does it take to read the Book of Mormon?"

Us: *awkward laughing* "Well, uhh... we've heard stories of people reading it in 24 hours, but it just depends on the person!"

She wants to read it ASAP. She's already talking about getting work off to come to church. She and Cookie both said they would be baptized if they got an answer. This is the first lesson, people! We got 3 new investigators in that lesson, and we're working to get them all the church. This week, we think they slept in again, but we have plans to meet with them on Wednesday, so hopefully we can work something out to help them get themselves and the kids (Ja'Kobi, Ja'Layia, Jaliyah, TJ, Zaden, and (update) Talisha) to church. Pray for them!

Millie has been texting us. She has to work more hours now and can't meet with us because she's either at work or asleep. We're praying for miracles because she's really prepared.

Fanny is a lady we met by going through old potentials. Every now and then we'll look in the area book for potentials that people never ended up teaching and see if people are still interested. Fanny let us in and pulled out her Book of Mormon and pamphlets. She has trouble with getting to church, but she loves us and wants to meet with us. Hopefully something will go somewhere there!

I never really included these tidbits.

"Have a blessed day!" Everyone says this to each other all the time. I've picked it up and usually say it as we walk away from someone's house who didn't want to listen. People really show how much they care about people, and that's one way I figured I could do it back.

Old man. You know how people refer to their dad as their "old man?" Well, out here, your "old man" is your husband. I'm still not used to that.

For example:
Us: "Hi, is Kaneesha home?"

Person at the door: "Ah, nah."

Us: "Oh, okay. Do you know when she might be home?"

Person: "Well, she and her old man went shopping for some stuff for the new baby, so I dunno when they'll be back."

Us: "Oh, okay! Well, we'll try to stop by another time."

Person: "Alright, Ah'll tell her you stopped bah."

Us: "Thanks! You have a blessed day!"

Miss/ma'am and mister/sir. Everybody out here uses these. When I noticed that people started referring to me as "ma'am" and to each other as "Miss So-and-so" and "Mister So-and-so," I decided to pick it up. People also say, "Yes, sir" and "Yes, ma'am" all the time. (Like, all the time.) So I picked that up too.

We've started a daily text group called "Power from Heaven." We have two people on it so far: Brother Seker and Tram Simmons (one of our investigators who keeps coming to church and is super close to agreeing to be baptized!). It's a scripture text we send out every day to hopefully help people learn from the Book of Mormon. It's really neat! I highly recommend doing something like that with a couple friends.

I love all y'all!

Quote of the week: "Do you believe God can forgive other people's sins?"


"Do you believe He can forgive your sins?"

Sister McKay

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