Monday, June 26, 2017


In reference to the hashtag title: I've found that lots of missionaries use hashtags or make other social media jokes because we're basically all social media wannabes. It's just one of those things we don't have, so we have to make up for it somehow!

Last Sunday in Aiken

I don't have much time left to write this, so here are the highlights for my last Sunday in Aiken.

Sunday is always the day that missionaries go visit people before they leave because transfer calls are Saturday nights and Mondays are Preparation Days. Plus, people are usually home and you can just stop by.

As we stopped by the houses of all the friends I've made, I realized how much I was going to miss them, but also how grateful I was for the time I had with them. I got pictures with all the coolest people out here, some who have reached great heights and come a long way, and some who have so much potential.

Working with the ward in Aiken has been absolutely incredible. The people have become my family. Shout-out to Brother and Sister Karchaske, who never cease to make us laugh; to Sister Novak, for always being willing to help us out; Sister Keaton, for those drives in the country and "warshboard roads," to Brother Day for being an awesome ward mission leader, to Sister Day for being a ray of sunshine in the hard times, and to Sister Brede for having us over for game nights and dinners. I missed so many people, but know that you are right there, close to my heart.


Brother Novak, the 1st counselor in our ward, had me bear my testimony in sacrament meeting. I've learned so much in the past 18 weeks that I didn't even hardly know what to say. I learned that charity is real and that, when you look to the example of the Savior, it's so easy to love just about anyone. I learned that God is always there for me. He wants His children to have the joy that comes from hearing the gospel. That's why I'm here!

Love all y'all to pieces!

Sister McKay

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