Tuesday, July 25, 2017

When your only set appointment is feeding the cat...

Well, the title of this post might explain a bit about our last couple weeks.

We didn't get any new investigators, anyone at church, or anyone on date for baptism the past two weeks.


Anita Brown
We've been trying to meet with Anita ever since we got to Tifton. The biggest problem is that she lives in Fitzgerald, which is an hour away from Tifton, where we spend most of our time. Since we have limited miles every month, we only get out to Fitzgerald about once a week. We've tried knocking on her door every time we've been out there, especially since the elders (who took over the whole area for a while when the sisters left) told us they had an awesome Restoration lesson with her. She hadn't answered at all in the weeks we tried her.

Until this Saturday.

We noticed that there was a truck home that day, and it looked like someone had set up a little picnic table right outside the side door. Everybody uses the side doors in the south. Sometimes we've been able to get someone to answer their door just by using the side door instead.

Anyway. We saw the little picnic table that made it look like someone was home. So we knocked at the front door because when we went to the side door, it was kinda open, and there wasn't really a good place to knock. Someone actually answered the front door this time! It was her husband, who grunted, "She's around back."

"Thank you!" we said, and proceeded to awkwardly walk around back. (There's a #awkward missionary moment for you.) She didn't have a fence, so we just walked into her backyard. There was a stand-up pool. And some chairs. Buuuuut we didn't see anyone.

We looked at each other, trying to figure out what to do. Here we were awkwardly standing in a random lady's backyard, and we couldn't find her. Well, a second later, we realize there's another little car parked by the pool, and that there's a kid in the pool, and that there's a lady in the little car. We awkwardly approach the lady in the car. She's on the phone. (Even more #awkward.) We stand there, not saying anything, until she gets off the phone and gets out of the car to meet us.

We introduce ourselves and she leads us to her porch at the side of her house. She tells us she's going to go put on some shorts (she's in a bikini) and grab us some water and popsicles. She gets us two otter-pops each and glasses of water with ice. Southern hospitality much?

She then proceeds to ask us all about the Restoration (without knowing what it is, of course). We teach her all about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, and she starts asking us when church is and when we can come back to visit her. We have an appointment with her Thursday! We are so excited! She is super excited about the fact that we have no paid ministry and that we have a prophet today. We told her all about the priesthood and how we receive revelation from God today, and it made so much sense to her. It was the most incredible thing. It's amazing to see how God prepares people and how true the gospel is!

Y'all, there is no way God would abandon His children or leave them in the dark. He loves us and leads and guides us every day if we let Him and look for His influence. He loves me and loves every single one of y'all. He wants us to be happy, like all parents want for their kids.

Soooo, sorry for forgetting to explain the title!

Since we didn't get any new people for a while, we didn't have any set appointments. Except a member in our ward, Sister Rawlins, who's an older lady, went on a trip last week, and she asked us to feed her cat. So we went over there every evening last week, and it was our only set thing for the week. The joke was that the work was so dry that it was sad that our only appointment was the cat. So. We laughed. That's what you gotta do when the going gets rough.

As Marjorie Pay Hinckley once said, "The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."

Love y'all!!
Sister McKay

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