Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Below the Gnat Line

Yes, that's a thing. Let me 'splain.

Bugs are bad in the south. But as you go further and further south, you pass an imaginary line called "The Gnat Line." It's where the bugs get really, really bad.

If you stop walking, you'd better have a free hand to wave the gnats and mosquitoes away.

Quote of the week: "People think us Southerners are real friendly, but it's just because we're waving away the gnats!" -Brother Flanders


Whitewash. 1. To get sent to an area of the mission that hasn't had missionaries for a while. 2. To reopen an area to missionary work. 3. To go on an adventure!!

I said goodbye to some good friends I made in the last three transfers, but I've met some amazing people out here! My new companion is Sister Harward, who goes home at the end of the transfer, leaving me to take over the area in a whopping 6 weeks. And she's the designated driver until right before then, so I'll have to learn how to get around in just the 2-3 weeks before she leaves.


Yeah, I'll make it! I hope. :D

We've met some incredible people out here. Everyone has a southern accent, including (and especially) the leadership in the ward. I mean wow. I'm living in a story book.

The roaches here are 3 inches long, all the animals have fleas, and the gnats getcha. I've had to shoo so many out of the car.

I've learned not to leave my bag on the floor during lessons. You just don't. It's too risky (see previous paragraph).

I've also learned so much from Sister Harward. Oh man. She is a powerhouse. I'm learning to be myself and, most importantly, to be bold about the gospel. Always be bold about the gospel. There's nothing that has blessed my life more than knowing I can repent, than knowing I can be with my family for eternity, than knowing I can bring souls unto Christ.

Welcome to the Ward! Bear Your Testimony.

This always happens, so I wasn't surprised when the 1st counselor in the bishopric waved us up on Fast Sunday.

I bore my testimony about joy. That's been the theme of my mission. When I got into the MTC, I was struggling big time.

"What am I doing here? Why am I on a mission?"

I decided to pray for joy.

Oh it worked.

I became the craziest person in the district. I had more energy than I ever thought I would, and I was SO happy.

I know it was because Christ knew exactly what I was going through and what I needed. There's no way it was a coincidence. I was scared and apprehensive and anxious and worried, but I felt so much joy. I felt like I could take on the world with the Savior on my side.

Never forget how much God loves you and wants you to be happy. 2 Nephi 2:25 says, "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." The whole reason Adam fell was so that we could come to earth, and the whole reason we came to earth was because God intends for us to have joy.

And yes, that means even in the hard times.

It's called the Plan of Happiness.

Love all y'all!!

And so does Jesus.

Sister McKay


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are 2 1/2 hours away from my cousin in Riverdale. Grandma Bockbock
