Wednesday, September 20, 2017



Transfers are not fun.

Sister Lanigan and I are staying in Tifton, but one of the coolest elders ever, Elder McPherson, is leaving! We thought he would stay, but no.

I didn't realize that missionaries actually knew each other and hung out together. Turns out, some of your closest friends in the mission are other missionaries. Since elders and sisters can't email or write letters while we're in the same mission, we won't get to see the people that leave unless we happen to be transferred at the same time. So I'll miss him, and our district leader, Elder Anderson, who's also leaving. But it's alright. We'll be making more friends as the new elders and sisters in the district come into their areas.

Moral of the story: never pass up an opportunity to make a new friend! You'll thank yourself later.

The Work

You wanna know something interesting?

We didn't have any baptisms, anyone preparing for baptism, anyone at church, or any new investigators this week. It was zeroes all around.

But, surprisingly, I'm not discouraged this week, as I usually am when that happens.

We did our absolute best to find people to teach, and I feel successful. I'm doing what God asks of me, and I know something good will come of it, whether it's now or in the future. We have lots of people that have agreed to meet with us. It's just a matter of catching them at home.

If you've agreed to meet with the missionaries, whether you're a member or not, would you do me a favor and not forget the appointment? Put it on your calendar! Seriously, it helps missionaries not to be discouraged.

That said, I have high hopes for the next 6 weeks. We should have a lot of success, and people who are prepared for baptism are just going to come out of the woodwork! I know it. :)

Love all y'all!! Never forget your awesomeness.

Sister McKay

1. Sister Lanigan and I taking our companionship picture at the church. I never realized how much time missionaries spend at the church. It's like a second home to us.
2. A picture on the wall at the Macon sisters' apartment. This one's for you, Dad!
3. Mission office!
4. Mission office with my comp.
5. Me being goofy at Memory Ln.
6. Me being somewhat normal at Memory Ln.
7. My comp and I at Memory Ln.
8. Trying to use the camera timer to take a picture with all 4 of us Tifton Missionaries.
9. The 4 of us. Elder McPherson is the second from the left. We'll miss him!

If you can see the video, hurrah! Sending videos is rare because they take so long to load off my camera. Hope you can enjoy it!

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