Monday, September 25, 2017

Umm... Gospel, Anyone?

The past few weeks have been rough, I'm not gonna lie. No one seems to realize how much the gospel will bless their lives if they just accept it! The trouble is, most of them think they've already accepted it. They just have no idea how much more truth the gospel of Jesus Christ contains.

So, I haven't taught any lessons in about a month. Not any full-length, sit-down ones, anyway. We don't have any investigators coming to church (or meeting with us, for that matter), and nothing seems to be working to get them there if we do meet with them.

Discouraging, to say the least.

But here's the amazing part:

People have agency, no?

Yes! They do. They have agency. Because God gave it to each and every person on this planet.

We all have the ability to choose.

That means we can all choose whether to follow the Savior and live His gospel or not.

That means I can't force anyone to make any decisions (which is probably a good thing, since I'm far from perfect).

It also means that I can choose whether to be positive or to give up.

Well, guess what!

I'm not giving up.

I will be positive.

You know where true positivity and optimism come from?

From joy.

And that joy comes from charity: the pure love of Christ.

As we love the Savior, we will have a desire to serve others. He'll send the Holy Ghost to help us feel His love for us and for those around us. And when we feel that love, that's what brings us ultimate joy.

Love someone near you.
I dare you.

(Did I just dare y'all to love someone? I guess I did.)

Love all y'all! ;)

Sister McKay

1 & 4. Southern snow!
2 & 3. I suppose I'm experiencing a selfie craze.

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