Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Always Act

There's this funny thing about the gospel.

The gospel requires you to do.



A couple weeks ago, I was having a rough time. I was really pretty depressed. I missed my family, was so done talking to people who didn't want to talk to me, and frankly wanted to go home. It seemed that no matter how hard I prayed or tried to have more charity or tried to have a positive attitude, nothing was getting better. No matter how hard I tried to increase my faith, faith just didn't seem to be enough.

Until I realized something.

I had been so caught up in the fact that I didn't want to talk to people that I really hadn't for a while. I wasn't doing what God had called me on a mission to do.

After getting a blessing of comfort, I knew I had to take action. (There it is again.)

I started trying to be more obedient to the mission rules every day, and I started trying to talk to people even when it was awkward.

You know what happened?

I felt the Spirit.
I felt more strength come from God.
And I was happy.





When you actually follow the instructions the Lord gives you, that's when the blessings come.

I know it. I have no doubts about it. You can know it too.

Love y'all!

Sister McKay

1. Stake conference with all the missionaries!
2. Zone conference. Sister Grayson loves to snap pictures without warning us! I kinda like my hair in this one though...
3. Also stake conference!
4. Leaving technology conference (a.k.a. smartphone prep) with our chill ride. We got cat-called on the street. And all the other missionaries loved us.
5. Last p-day.
6. After Stephanie's baptism. "Uh. Ma'am? Could you, uh-... Oh. Nevermind."
7. Blueberries have become our best friends.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Stephanie got baptized!

It took us 5 hours to set up for the baptism. That's a long time! But it was worth it.

Quote of the week: "This is the best baptism we've ever had. Every baptism needs to be like this." -Brother Briley, Ward Mission Leader

*YES!* #success

Update on phones: We get them a month from Friday, and I am so excited!

Here's pictures from the baptism. She made it in! ;)

Love y'all!​

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Baptism This Week!

This is the first time on my mission that I have met an investigator, taught all the lessons to them, and been there for their baptism!

Stephanie is the bomb. She is so happy and so ready for baptism. She's made positive changes in her life that have been so good for her! She's started glowing!

Glow. The spiritual light which emits from one's countenance when one accepts and implements the gospel into one's life.

This glow is especially prominent after one is baptized and has received the Holy Ghost. I am so excited for her to have that!

This glow is also especially prominent in one who has already had the gospel in their lives but continues to live it. Have you ever noticed someone in church or just one of your friends or coworkers who just... you can't describe it but they just... glow? They look so happy and it's almost like they shine. You can see it in anyone who truly follows Jesus Christ's example.

Will you do one thing for me this week? Say hi to someone you wouldn't normally say hi to, and try to be their friend and get to know them. If it doesn't work, that's okay. But try it. Pretty please?

Love y'all!

Also happy Valentine's Day!

Sister McKay

1. Sister Pitchford and I being us.
2. Stephanie and Nathan (her fiance) being weird with Sister Pitchford and trying to get me to make that face. It really just made me laugh.
3. We got our new GMM shirts! Cuuuute! I love the white. The other ones were black.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Don't Drink from the Sewer

Saying Amen

As missionaries, our number is available online, and sometimes people still text us that don't meet with us anymore. We also currently have "dumb" phones, which means we have to clear out old texts every now and then and therefore don't have any old texts from people saved anywhere as reference. This results in the occasional random text from some unnamed person whose name is not saved in our phone. Sometimes they're absolutely hilarious. Here's our most recent addition (spelling and punctuation preserved).

"Meanwhill back at home does it mean im week if i had turn the other Check Sister? Im not good at saying Amen"

0.0 Umm... No idea. Does it mean one is weak if they turn the other cheek? And what does "amen" have to do with that? Am I good at saying amen?! *crisis ensues*

Yeah, we've been laughing like all week. It's awesome.

Sewers and What Not to Do

Elder Costa of the presidency of the Seventy came to our mission on Saturday. It was a bit of a surprise and we had to drive to Macon, but it was SO worth it! He talked about missionary work and being bold and courageous. He also talked about relying on the Spirit in everything we do. One example is as follows.

Elder Costa had a friend who told him he was struggling with his testimony. He asked if he could meet him in his office to talk. Elder Costa said yes.

When this friend came to his office, he brought a foot-tall stack of papers all about Joseph Smith and why he wasn't a prophet, which he had found on various websites. Elder Costa listened to him for 3 hours and 15 minutes straight.

When he was done, Elder Costa said, "Okay, stop right there. You have just spent 3 hours and 15 minutes telling me about this material. I'm going to respond to you in less than 3 minutes."

He proceeds to bear an extremely simple testimony, and then says this: "Please read the Joseph Smith History published by the Church and ask God if it's true. I prefer to drink out of the living water of the teachings of God's prophets and apostles. Don't drink from the sewer."

Take Elder Costa's advice. Read from the source of truth. If you lived in Joseph Smith's time and wanted to know about Joseph Smith, would you ask someone who lived near him to tell you all about him? Or would you ask Joseph himself? Likewise, in our day we should go to the source. Read from his personal history and look to the sources of truth on the Church website, not all over the internet. I promise you'll be blessed with your own personal testimony if you take the time to read, understand, and pray. And if you have a testimony, but it's struggling, do the same! It will be strengthened.

Don't drink from the sewer.

Sister McKay

Object lessons with families in the ward!