Monday, January 30, 2017

Disasters, Desires, and Determination


Apparently Satan wants me to stay home.

Let's take a look at all the disasters that have been happening around here, shall we?

A few days ago, a couple relatives came over to help Mom take care of some things she was stressing over. One of these things was taking our big white van (affectionately know as the White Dragon) to get an oil change.

Well, uuuhhh...

This relative went to back the White Dragon out of the driveway and suddenly couldn't find the break pedal. Understandable. It's high up, and that's even happened to me before. It's weird.

But... White Dragon came out of the driveway... and didn't stop. It ran into and knocked over our neighbor's tree. Once White Dragon was back in the driveway, Mom attempted to assess the injuries. None. Besides the tree.

.....Or so she thought.

A few hours later, I used White Dragon to take my friend and her siblings to Chick-fil-A. I noticed that there was some snow streaked across one of the back windows but didn't bother to scrape it off because I could see out the other window, and I knew it would melt soon anyway.

In the drive-thru, a couple of my friend's siblings complained that it was cold in the back. One of them subsequently asked, "Uhh, Amory? Are you aware that your back window is gone?"

My thought process went something like this:



Oh. That snow on the back window wasn't snow. It was shattered glass.

Okay. It wasn't my fault. It was like that when I left.

Mom's not gonna kill me.

But, ooohhh, she's gonna freak...

Out loud, it sounded something like this:

"WHAT? Oh, that's bad. Umm... Well. Let's get home and figure out what to do. How did that even happen? What the even?....... Wow."

I called Mom once we got back to my friend's house and told her what happened. She kinda freaked at first, but then she stayed calm and called the glass repair place, and now it's all taken care of. *whew*

Alright. Disaster number 1. #conquered

Disaster number 2.

Um, less than conquered?

The same day, my totally awesome relative took my little car to get safety and emissions checked, only to find that it didn't pass safety because, surprise! (...Not. Because, believe me, I already knew.) The heater's broken! We asked our mechanic about it, and he said to check the coolant compartment to make sure there was enough coolant in there. My mom went to put more in and found... sludge. Like cookie dough in the first stage when it's just sugar and butter and eggs. Only it was coolant. And oil.

Apparently, there's a blown gasket somewhere that means oil is getting into the coolant.




Not huzzah.

More like, "You're kidding."

Well, good thing we were gonna get rid of that car anyway.

Disaster number 2. #accepted

At some point last week (after disasters 1 and 2) one of our neighbors from my home ward, who sent a missionary out almost a year and a half ago, told Mom to expect at least three more disasters before I left.


Disaster number 3:

My parents were trying to leave the house Sunday to see me speak in my singles ward (the week after I spoke in my home ward) when a major toilet disaster happened.


Yeah, that's a problem.

But! It was fixed. They were just late. *shrug* Ah, well.

The same morning, Mom's skirt ripped and was totally ruined. Sad day.

And now for disaster number 4:

I'm sick.

Last night, my stomach hurt. A normal phenomenon as of late. For the past week or so, I've gotten up, had a stomach ache, and then just put up with mild stomach problems and felt kinda lightheaded all day. Not a super big deal.

Last night, though, it got way worse. After dinner, Mom came down to my room to help me pack because I was feeling especially lightheaded and couldn't seem to concentrate on anything. Plus, she wanted to. She likes doing that sort of thing.

Well, pretty soon I couldn't seem to move. Then I was sorta losing it and getting really loopy. Like, I suddenly started laughing for no reason and couldn't stop. For about 5 minutes.

It got so bad that Mom filmed me. The video is 25 seconds long, and that was towards the end.

It got so bad that I started coughing. That was when I had to stop.

It got so bad that I realized I was really, really stressed. And then my stomach started hurting a lot more.

It hurt so much that I couldn't really move. And then it hurt to laugh. And then it hurt to talk. In fact, those things seemed to make it worse. And then I thought I might throw up if I did... like, anything.

I finally asked Dad for a blessing. He had been with Mom and me for a while, just hanging out with us and making us laugh. Even after I asked for a blessing, he made jokes and got me chuckling. I had to tell him to stop because it hurt and that was just not fair.

After the blessing, I knew I could and would get better quick.

Not after some intense battling, though.

It was the middle of the night, maybe 5 o'clock. I had been putting off going to the bathroom because I didn't want to move, but I finally really had to, so I got up by myself. At one point, I couldn't move at all because I knew I would either throw up or pass out, and it hurt too much. I just prayed. Really hard. My ears started ringing so loud that I couldn't hear anything. My arms felt limp. I almost did pass out.

But I prayed.

And it went away, enough for me to get back in bed.

The rest of the night and today have been... fun... But I've actually gotten way better.

Here's what I've learned.

You guys, Satan doesn't want me to leave.

Satan is determined to keep me home.

Well, lemme tell ya somethin'.

I'm taking that as a compliment.

"What? How is that a compliment?"

It means Satan's afraid that I'll be an absolutely incredible missionary. He's doing everything he can to make me stay home.

I, however, am deciding to disregard the disasters, roll with it, and go anyway.

I have a desire to go.

I am determined.

(DISCLAIMER: I wouldn't actually say this in real life..... but the devil might.)

So, I'm going to press on.

I got better quick.

There's a reason for that.

Sister McKay

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