Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Death comes..... UNEXPECTEDLY!!

I mean... leaving?... comes unexpectedly?.......

(Note from mom/Sarah: The title of this post is a quote from Pollyanna, in case you aren't familiar. ;)

I have 6 days left.

*screaming can be heard around the valley*


Okay, not really.

But yes, I'm freaking out slightly.

Funny how my last post started out with me talking about the fact that I had been there 6 whole days, and now my post is about how I only have 6 short days left.

Here's the good news.


It's incredible how much a testimony can grow in so short a time. I've learned so much and have so many more questions. But the reassurance that Jesus Christ loved me enough to suffer and die for me, and that He would have done it even if I was the only human on the planet, tells me how true the gospel is.

I pray for joy every day. It's hard to be here. But the enabling power of the atonement is real. I get so happy and feel so much joy. I know I'm here for the right reasons.

Sometimes Heavenly Father gives me things to laugh about. For instance:

You would not believe how many times you hear "Welcome to the MTC" on your first day. It's because of the orange dot you wear on your name tag as a new missionary. People can see it from a mile away. It's become a joke. It actually got really old after the first week, but it was so funny while it lasted.

Remember how Elder Chowen reminds me of Noah? Read this with Noah's monotone voice when Elder Chowen speaks.

Elder Chowen: Sister McKay.

Me: Yes.

Elder Chowen: Will you accept an assignment from your district leader?

Me: Sure!..... 0.0

Elder Chowen: Will you say the closing prayer in district meeting tonight?

Me: Yes.

Elder Chowen (with a straight face): Thank you, Sister McKay. Welcome to the MTC.

Me: *facepalm*

Good news! I got my travel plans! 

I'm gonna miss my district so, SO much. I already miss everyone from home. Part of making friends is knowing you'll have to let go at some point and knowing you'll miss them. That means I'll be letting go of some more friends. Hurrah.

It's hard. But hard things make you grow. I'm growing a lot. A LOT. There is so much to learn and so much I have learned. I can't wait to share it.

Sister Chase left yesterday morning. It was sad. But! It was amazing. It made the idea of leaving seem a lot more real for me.

I leave in 6 days.

I love the gospel.

Sister McKay

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