Monday, May 29, 2017

Hola! Somos Misioneras de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Días!

Try that in Google Translate! (Disclaimer: I can't use Google Translate out here, so I don't know how it'll show up.)

Miss Millie
We met Miss Millie in a somewhat round-about way. There was this kid with a baby in a stroller who was standing on the corner of the street.

Me: "Hi! How are you?"

Kid: *shocked look* "Good."

Me: "Is that your baby?"

Kid: *shakes head*

Me: "Oh, are you babysitting?"

Kid: *nod*

Me: "Oh, okay. Well, we're missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We go around sharing a message about Jesus Christ and how we can come closer to Him. Would you like to hear a message like that?"

Kid: *nod*

Sister Wagner: "What's your name?"

Kid: "Tyrique."

Sister Wagner: "How old are you?"

Tyrique: "15."

Me: "Do you think your parents would want to hear a message about Jesus Christ?"

Tyrique: *nod*

Me: "Okay. Do they live around here?"

Tyrique: "My gramma and my auntie do."

Me (not wanting to ask a shy 15-year-old boy, "Where do you live?"): "Doooo you know your address? We could go visit them."

Tyrique (said so quickly I blinked): "123-Clementine-Lane." (Note: address has been changed.)

Me (after a second of processing the inhumanly fast response): "Okay! We'll go talk to them."

Turns out, only Miss Millie was home. She ended up telling us her life story and how her grandkids were living with her because 7 or her 13 children had died. We taught her the Plan of Salvation, and her grandkids started filing in as we finished. They came in by twos and threes! Like, what?

At the end, we asked Miss Millie if her grandkids wanted to pray with us. She gave us a "look" and said, "We can axe 'em... Hey! Tylen!" A 6-year-old boy jumps up. "Go tell 'em to come out hee-ya an' pray wid us!"

Tylen (in the distance): "Hey! All y'all come out hee-ya an' pray!"

The grandkids slowly filed in. There must have been a dozen of them in the kitchen all at once. We all got in a circle and held hands, and I prayed. I've never said more heartfelt prayers than when I've been out on my mission.

If Miss Millie doesn't get baptized, maybe one of her grandkids will. Her family is amazing. All of them deserve the gospel, because we're all children of God!

A parody quote from Incredibles: "You are a CHILD OF GOD! Pull! Yourself! Togetha!!"

Love y'all!


Sister McKay

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