Monday, May 15, 2017

Transfers! And One New

One New
When we do call-ins with the district leader on Sunday, he asks for our numbers for the week. Lately it sounds like this:

"Zero baptized and confirmed, zero on date, one at church, one new."

"New" stands for "new investigator." That's actually the number that fluctuates the most. We've gotten 4 before, but they drop us, or they don't keep commitments, so we have to drop them. You just can't try to teach them the gospel if they don't want to accept it. You save that for later, when they'll be ready.

We have a couple progressing investigators that we're waiting on to get back in town. They're the ones coming to church. It's a small family. The dad's name is Eric and the mom's name is Tram. They have two boys under 8 named Ethan and Dylan. Brother Gleason, our ward clerk, is Eric's coworker. Eric started asking him why he didn't drink coffee, and it all happened from there! We haven't been able to meet with them much because Eric has been out of town a lot, but they come to church every week that they can, which is most weeks, so that is totally awesome! We're working on helping Tram gain a testimony. Eric says he probably would have been baptized already except that he's waiting on Tram. They want it to be a family thing. Prayers!

Our "one new" this week is a black lady named Sabria. She's 22 and lives in a trailer near our place with her 4 brothers. We had a good lesson with her and talked to her about coming to church. She said she could come if she had a ride, so we're working on getting a member to drive her and hopefully come to our appointment with her Saturday evening. Umm, more prayers!

Ahh!! Sister Hale is leaving me!

I do believe I included a definition in one of my "Language" sections for the phrase "greenie busted," but I'll explain again anyway. When you get "greenie busted," you leave your trainer and get a new comp. This companion is then called your "greenie buster."

I'm gettin' greenie busted, baby!

(I know, that was so cheesy.)

Tomorrow we drive to mission headquarters to find out where Sister Hale is going and to find out who my new companion is and pick her up. I'm so nervous and so excited! I'm taking over the area here in Aiken, so that'll be an adventure.

Speaking of driving to Macon... So, it's 3.5 hours away. That's a 300 mile round trip. And we only have 1200 miles a month, which we use. We can make due if it's absolutely necessary. But really we have to find a ride. So, Sunday afternoon on Mothers' Day looked like this:

We talked to some ward members at church who said they could maybe give us a ride.
We visited a whole bunch of people so Sister Hale could say bye.
We skyped!!
We visited some more people and called some more ward members between visits.
All said ward members were unable to drive.
Sister Hale and I start to get juuust a liiiittle stressed.

Then Monday morning goes like this:

We call the ward member who might be able to drive us. Turns out, there was a misunderstanding, and we can't get a ride with him because his wife can't be there. We end up setting him up to drive the elders in our district. It worked out!

One of the sisters from our ward calls us back and we figure out that she can't give us a ride because it's really far and she wouldn't quite be comfortable without her husband, who has to work. But then she calls us later.

"Hi, so I was praying that I could help y'all out, because I felt bad about not being able to drive, and then I thought to ask my husband if he could get off work. I never ask him that, but he sent me one word back: 'Yes.' So I can drive you!"

We were so relieved! Prayer works, y'all. Don't forget it.

Love you appropriately (as the missionaries say)!

Sister McKay

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