Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Just come to church! Read! Pray! -And Updates About Transfers

By way of transfers: I'm still serving in Tifton, and I find out who my new companion is when I go to pick her up on Tuesday

One of the hardest things to get people to do as you teach them is to keep commitments. Here's why:

You meet someone who wants to learn more about the gospel.

You start teaching them about the gospel.

They get excited and say they want to learn more, and you invite them to (fill in the blank: read the Book of Mormon, pray about Joseph Smith, come to church) and they say they will.

They don't (come to church, read, etc.).

You come back and ask them why they didn't, and they tell you they (fill in the blank: slept in, forgot).

You repeat the process with them, and they still don't keep their commitment.

Here's the hardest part: You continue to repeat the process with them until you get sad. Why do you get sad? Because they have NO IDEA what they're missing.

The gospel - the Book of Mormon, the bible, the priesthood/authority to baptize, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, the Plan of Salvation - is the purest truth we have in the whole world. The joy repentance brings, the knowledge that we can be with our families forever, the comfort that Christ is always with us, the knowledge that we can truly be saved by being baptized by God's proper authority that has been restored to the earth - who wouldn't want that?

The joy, love, comfort, and excitement I feel when I ask God for help through Christ's Atonement every day is so, so real. I want everyone to feel it. That's why I'm on a mission.

If you haven't felt that joy in your life, pray. Ask God to help you find the truth. "Ask the missionaries! They can help you!" ;) (Quote by President Nelson.) And when you find it - when the missionaries come by to talk to you, or when you pray and ask God if the Book of Mormon is true, or when you read the scriptures, or when you go to church - ACT ON IT. I promise it will be the best thing you will ever do.

God loves everyone. I feel it every day when I talk to people and invite them to learn about the gospel. He wants us all to have the knowledge of the gospel and the knowledge that He loves us. Did you know that that's the very first thing we teach people in our first lesson? In the missionary pamphlets we use, the very first section we teach from is, "God Is Our Loving Heavenly Father."

I love spreading the gospel. I love my Heavenly Father. I love y'all. So does God.

Sister McKay

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