Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Missing Peacocks

Great Companions Are the Best
Well, Sister Lanigan is the legit. She's from Cali and likes the color pink. And cherries. And calling me a gorilla and a donkey.

Last night, we were talking before going to sleep, but Sister Lanigan started "drifting into dreamland" (as she put it). She randomly said, "You look like a gorilla and a donkey..."

Me: "Umm, what?"

S. Lanigan: "Oh, um, sorry. I was kinda seeing things in my head. I saw my cousin and he had on a gorilla/donkey mask, so I was talking to him, but I said it out loud and you heard me."

Both: *bursts out laughing*

No, not alligators. (I still haven't seen one, by the way. Hopefully I'll be able to check that off the list soon.) A lot of times, we missionaries call investigators just "gators," because it's shorter and we have to say it so often.


We've been getting some great new investigators! The two we got on Saturday are Moses and Hannah. Neither of them knew much about Christ, and we were totally shocked. That had never happened to either of us before. EVERYONE in the south knows about Jesus!! So S. Lanigan totally taught by the Spirit, and we were both blown away. The lesson went so well! We taught the plan of salvation because Moses said he'd lost his parents in a fire when he was 15 and wanted to be with them again. Hannah said she'd come to church if we got them both a ride. They both said they'd be baptized!

So now we have to get them a ride to church.

And they live in Fitzgerald.

That's an hour away.

And nobody from the ward who's active lives over there.

Prayers, please! Miracles can happen.

Next week, we'll be on exchange during the lesson we have set up with him. My STL (sister training leader), Sister Bradshaw, is coming over from Albany for the day. She'll probably help me teach the Restoration, depending on how the Spirit leads us when we plan for their lesson that morning. If all goes well, we'll invite them to church, and hopefully we can have a member in Fitzgerald bring the two of them. A member named Princess who lives in Fitzgerald is getting back into church, so maybe having an obligation like that will help her come!

Please pray for us. These people need the gospel. Moses and Hannah need the gospel. Princess needs the gospel. And they barely know it yet.

I can't believe how much I've come to realize that on my mission. Every moment of the day, we need Christ. Especially when it gets hard, but mostly when it's not. Think of Him every day. Think of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane when you're about to make a wrong choice. I promise He loves you, because I've felt His love. I wouldn't be able to love the people here without the feeling I get from the Holy Ghost that God loves His children. It's an incredible feeling.

Never forget that God loves you. It sounds cheesy, but it's more true than anything else I've ever said in my life.


"Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails."

Love all y'all!!

Sister McKay

A great big... thing... (I don't know what) in Fitzgerald.
Bible Way.
A church sign. "Exercise daily. Run from the devil. Walk with the Lord."
A totally legit sunset.
Definition of a missionary.
Elvis. And a giant chicken. Next to a "Roach Killer" sign. Could it get any more southern?
My trainer's street! This is for you, Sister Hale!
A McKay-esque cake.
A road. We see dirt roads like this a lot on our Ocilla/Fitzgerald trips.
The kitty fell asleep on my lap!
Aaaaaand another totally random thing you would only see in the south. (Who loses a peacock, of all things?)

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