Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Time Flies

So, I hit my 8-month-mark of being on a mission yesterday.

And if you don't count the day I fly home, I have exactly 9 months and one week left on my mission.

That means I don't have much time left.

This week, we got 4 new investigators.

One of them is an Indian guy named Biyush (bee-YOOsh) who speaks only Hindi and very broken English. And because of that, we couldn't get his address. And he doesn't have a phone number. So we had to meet him at the park. And now we don't know exactly what happened to him. But we have faith! We're going to keep trying to meet him at the park. He told us he frequently gets off work at 1 and is at the park around 2, so we'll try to catch him.

Another one is named Trina. She seems like she thinks we're there to have church with her, but what we actually want is for her to come to church. We'll see where that goes.

The last two are named Sandra and Eric. Sandra is awesome. She is so sweet. Eric was talking about how he wanted to stop smoking and drinking. He's also the kind of guy to just ramble on a bit, and we're not sure where his commitment level is. We had a solid Restoration lesson with them, and we're super excited for our appointment with them Saturday. We're really hoping we can get them to church, since they don't have a car. The good news is that they live pretty close!

Keep praying for Tifton and the people here. The elders and us had a fast for the area last week, and we're starting to really see some miracles. We're working hard and praying that it keeps up!

The last 8 months being a missionary have been priceless. I wouldn't give them up for anything. Unless you've served a mission, you have no idea how much it blesses your life.

Around here, when someone asks, "How are you?" people often respond, "Ah'm blessed."

Also, please listen to Tad R. Callister's talk from the Sunday afternoon session of conference. I think it was one of my favorites. Here's a link:

Love y'all! Have a blessed one!

Sister McKay

1. The elders live in our same apartment complex, and they knew we were having a rough time lately finding people, so they kind of heart-attacked our door, missionary style, and left us a sweet note. If you can't read it, it says, "Y'all are awesome! Way to show us how it's done! Keep workin' hard! Moroni 7:29! Love y'all, The Elders" It made, like, our whole month.
2 & 3. We knocked on this one person's door, and their cows were staring at us.
4. Nobody showed up at Bible Study, so it was cancelled. Sad day!
5. Selfie craze in my GMM shirt.
6. The card the elders left in our door.

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