Wednesday, November 22, 2017

This Week, on The District

The District. A show made to instruct missionaries on the subject of how to accomplish their purpose, which is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel. In our mission, it is also a requirement to watch it daily. Admittedly, it gets old, since there are only so many episodes, and I've been watching them for about 10 months now.

Well, 9 months and 3 weeks, as of today. Close enough.

We've been working our tails off! I've never tracted so much my whole mission! I've also never had so few investigators to teach.

But Here's the Good News
We got two new investigators yesterday! It was such an amazing lesson! Their names are Janice and Derek. Derek was asking all the right questions. He's excited about coming to church. Janice loves the fact that we have a modern-day prophet because of God's love for his children and desire to guide them today. And they believe Joseph Smith was a prophet! I am SO excited for them. He even asked us to set up an appointment! We're praying for them. Really hard.

We found them while we were looking for a less active member who had moved. We were about to knock on the door when these two cute little cats showed up. We stopped to pet them long enough for the lady who lived there to walk out to talk to us: Janice. We asked for the less active member who we thought lived there, but she said she didn't know who that was. She had moved in 5 or 6 months earlier.

We said, "Okay, well, can we give you a card? This is a picture of the Book of Mormon, a book that helps us come closer to Christ." 

We explained a little about it. We left.

As we drove away, Sister Lanigan said, "You know, the whole time we were talking to her, I kept feeling like we should give her a Book of Mormon!"

*gasp* "Me too!!"

We turned around and knocked on her door this time, but she didn't answer. We left a Book of Mormon on her doorstep with a sticky note that said, "Hi, Janice! We don't know why we didn't just give you a Book of Mormon!" and a couple other things I don't remember well.

The next week, we knocked on her door and she said her husband had been reading it and they wanted us to come back. We set up an appointment, and had to reschedule a couple times, but eventually we got to teach them! And it was awesome!

So pray for them. I want them to have the gospel so bad!

Love y'all! Don't forget your awesomeness.

Sister McKay

1: The missionaries from Nashville and Moultrie (our district) came together in Tifton for P-day last week. This is our fleet.
2: And someone is going (or has gone) to BYU! This was taken in the Chick-fil-a parking lot. I wonder if I have a stalker... 0.0

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