Saturday, November 4, 2017

Blog post: Zone Conference, Among Other Things

Elder Klebingat of the first quorum of the seventy came to our zone conference on Friday. He spoke to us for 6 hours about missionary work and how we can be better missionaries and people in general. Two of my favorite quotes from zone conference are as follows.

Sister Grayson, the mission president's wife, talked about how we can encourage investigators to come to church. She said, "Church isn't about having fun or being entertained. Church is about reconnecting with God."

Elder Klebingat said this about what we can say to people who ask us about missionary work, and I agree with it wholeheartedly:

"I didn't come here to lie."

I came on a mission because I know this gospel is true. Do me a favor and read this talk by President Callister.

There is no way this gospel isn't true. Elder Klebingat also had us read these scriptures from the Pearl of Great Price about God.

In this verse, Enoch is speaking. "30 And were it possible that man could number the particles of the earth, yea, millions of earths like this, it would not be a beginning to the number of thy creations; ..."

Then in this verse, God speaks to Enoch. "36 Wherefore, I can stretch forth mine hands and hold all the creations which I have made; and mine eye can pierce them also ..."

All those creations, and He can hold them is His hands!! For those who don't know, one of the missionary rules, which has been discussed and prayed about by our leaders who are called of God, is that we have to get up at 6:30 every morning. Elder Klebingat said, after sharing these scriptures with us, "That's the God you pray to every night. Why wouldn't you want to get out of bed at 6:30?"

Listen, y'all. I know life is hard. But God can literally hold the world and worlds in His hands, yet He knows you personally. Pray to Him.

I know this gospel is true with all my heart. I didn't come here to lie.

Pray daily.

Sister McKay

1. Dad. You should live here.
2. Shout-out to my lil bro!
3. Not-too-uncommon thing to see around here.

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