Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Lyfe ...And Christmas

Sister Pitchford and I have been having a ball. We're working on building up the teaching pool. Right now, we aren't teaching anyone specific, but there are a lot of recent converts and returning members here! I'm so excited to work with them!

We've had some adventures trying to find people's houses lately. Usually it results in me turning around at least 3 times, although we have made it to 5 or 6 before. Some houses are easier to find than others. This last time, the end result was that we found the house (and no one answered, so we still don't know if the person lives there), and I ended up parking over this phrase (see picture below).

We also had the ward Christmas party! Our ward mission leader was Santa. That was fun. He made a good Santa.

This week, my studies have still consisted of prayer. My parents and my grandma (thank you, family!!!) sent me an AWESOME mini quad. Basically it's a mini version of the Holy Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price put together. The thing is, I didn't have mini scriptures that included the bible dictionary and topical guide, and this set does! So now I can carry everything I need with me and use it for studies. That way everything I mark during studies will be with me when I go out proselyting, instead of in a different set of scriptures. Yay!

So. I got these scriptures. And they are SO clean. No marks. Nothing. I decided to read the Book of Mormon once through without marking it. And it is amazing. Everything that stands out holds significance for me, which makes studies that much more meaningful. I love it. I never realized how much Nephi prays! And the story is amazing. The Book of Mormon makes so much sense when you read it with the understanding that the people in it were real. I love it.

Have the best ever Christmas! There won't be a blog post next week. Our mission president has told us that Skyping our families will replace email time.

Love y'all! Don't forget who the center of Christmas is!

Sister McKay

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