Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Aaaaand Statesboro

Pronunciation: states-burrow.

A.k.a.: The Boro.

Residents' Common Occupations: Professor/employee or student at GSU (a.k.a. Georgia Southern) or Ogeechee Tech College.

In other words, this is a college town. In fact, yesterday we drove down a street entirely devoted to sorority houses. It was... interesting...

I'm finally feeling adjusted to my new area. My companion is amazing.

And it snowed this week.

In Georgia.

Like what.

Yes, the south shuts down when it snows. We got 1.75" of snow and all schools and businesses closed. (1.75 inches, people!) Water was gone at the grocery store, along with bread and canned foods. Power outages happened. And we weren't allowed to leave our apartment for 24 hours. We ended up staying in for 2 days because the roads were still icy and I was not exactly intent on driving around ice + crazy-drivers-that-ain't-used-to-snow.

So we built snowmen.

And took pictures.

And I loved it.

We did go a little stir crazy after being in for 48 hours. And the next couple days were rough because the roads froze over again once it got dark, so we went in again. It's not even that cold! It didn't get below 20 degrees on any of these nights! But being in a skirt, plus the humid cold, plus the snow... it was a bit of a damper on the work, let's just say that. But I got to know Sister Pitchford better! And we had fun.

Since I didn't really explain my choice of scripture last time, here's the backstory.

While out tracting, we met a man who was previously a member of the church. He let us in and explained to us that he had served a mission in Argentina and had become fascinated with people and what makes them do what they do. He also had lots of time to ponder. These two things which resulted from his mission, he said, led him to his career as a professor in psychology, which, ironically, led him to his atheist belief.

He explained his logic behind his lack of belief in God. I'm not gonna lie, he sounded very convincing.

But here's what happened.

I, like this professor, have much time to think and to ponder.

So I did.

Just like Joseph Smith. (Read Joseph Smith--History.)

You know what happened?

I came to this conclusion: There is no way God doesn't exist!

Imagine gathering a whole bunch of papers, ink, typed documents, etc. and tossing them high into the air. They land perfectly on the ground in the form of an encyclopedia.

The chances of that happening are essentially nothing. (In fact, I'm not a math genius, but I'm pretty sure the chances of that happening are literally nothing.)

So I prayed. And I read the scriptures. The section I was reading that day just happened to include Mosiah 4:9.

"Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend."

I memorized it during my studies that day.

Y'all, I know without a doubt that God is our Father. He loves me, He loves y'all, and He loves every single person who has ever lived or will live.


(Sister McKay)

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