Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Do What You Know You Should

For all the people out there who know they should be doing something (anything, really), here's some advice for you.


Here's why.

For a long time on my mission, I knew I should talk to people more, get out of my comfort zone, do what Heavenly Father wanted me to do so I could share the gospel (since that's the whole point of being a missionary).

But it's hard. I don't enjoy talking to strangers. It just makes me feel nervous and uncomfortable, and sometimes people aren't very nice even if you're chipper and friendly. I guess I kind of gave up trying after a while. I would do my best to plan in other missionary-like activities so I didn't have to just walk around waving at people and trying to start awkward small-talk conversations.

In other words, I didn't do what I knew I should.

But here's what happened.

One week a few months ago, I was feeling just super sad, all week long. I was feeling down on myself, and I felt like I was accomplishing nothing. I also missed my family and friends so much it was almost painful! I told my companion about it and decided to ask the elders for a priesthood blessing.

To be honest, I think I knew the whole time that I needed to be talking to people more. I was just too afraid to do it! The blessing reminded me that I needed to do what God wanted me to do. I was promised that if I did my best to talk to everyone I saw, all feelings of homesickness would be gone.

You know what I did?

I did my best to talk to everyone I saw.

You know what happened?

All the feelings of homesickness, sadness, inadequacy, and pity I felt... they melted. Disappeared completely.

And you know what I felt?

Complete and utter joy. I felt exhilarated. I felt like I could do anything. And I knew it was because I did what the Lord wanted me to.

So, for all y'all who know you should be doing something and you're not (I'm gonna pull a Nike here) - JUST DO IT!

Love y'all.

Sister McKay

1 & 3: A fork in the road. Reminds me of the muppets. I HAD to take a picture!
Everything else: I can now say I've been to Santa Claus, GA. Yes, it is a real place. It's near Vidalia, which is the area where my district leader and his comp, Elders Hellander and Whitfield, are serving. We go to Vidalia for District Meeting every other week, and the people who drove us over there took us on a 10-minute detour. That was fun!

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