Monday, March 6, 2017

"Hi, my name is Sister McKay, and I'm addicted to the Spirit."

There was an elder in my zone at the MTC who introduced himself like that, and I liked it, so I adopted it. Kinda.

Fun Facts of the Week
Macon, GA, holds the world record for most denominations per square mile. Yes, that's right. The world record. The cool thing is that most of those denominations have a focus on Christ, and literally everyone out here knows who Christ is, whether they believe in Him or not. Makes my job just that much eaiser.

Gas is, like, so much cheaper in Aiken than back home. It's also crazy out here because neighborhoods are so different! On one street, there could be super nice houses, and on the next street, it could be trailers, and on the next street, it's ghetto. And no, I'm not using that word incorrectly. But it's so cool to see how the people live. It's really made me think. There's one little apartment complex that's made out of old stables, and some people out here don't have cars, but they pay for phones and rent. One person we teach, named Theo, hasn't had electricity for a while. But hey, he's come to church a couple times!

Language Practice
Apos. Short for "apostate." Pronounced "AY-poss." If something is apos, it's against mission rules. For example:

Sister McKay(siniging): "You don't have to try, try, try, try-y-yyy!" (popular pop song)

Sister Hale: "That is SO apos!!"

Sister McKay: "AAAHHH I'm sorry!!"

Tool. A word Sister Hale uses to describe people who are annoying or rude or who tease her. For example:

Elder Billman (he's in my district): "Sister Hale, your skirt looks like basketball shorts." (It kind of does, I won't lie. But it's a running joke.)

Sister Hale: "You're a tool."

Chitlins. A dish made in the south. It's pig intestines, basically. I haven't had any yet. Sister Hale said she's only had it once. 0.0

We visit one family from Honduras, the Martinezes. They're less active, but we go visit them. They are so awesome! What little I've learned of Spanish is paying off, and I've learned a few things from them! Here's my favorite one:

"Nuestros Padre Celestial, gracias por la comida."

And then there's this one: "Gracias por dejarnos entrad en su casa."

Whoo! They told me I have a pretty good accent and that I'm good at rolling my R's. Haha!

We have someone on date! Her name is Terra and she's 15. She's been coming to church, and Sister Hale and her last comp taught her the Restoration and part of the Plan of Salvation. She's given up tea and coffee, and she's on date for the 18th! I am so excited!!

I've never smelled so much smoke in my life. It's crazy. We visit an old lady named Mildred who's a chain smoker. The elders always look at us weird when we come back from her house. It's great.

Psalms 16:11 says, "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."

There are so many reasons to have joy! I'm talking to people about the gospel all day every day. Like, what?! I'm going to miss that when I come home.

I just got called weird by one of the elders.

I said, "Thanks!"

He said, "Well, you're not as cool as you think you are."


"I can't insult her! She's too happy!"

I love life. Here's something I wrote in personal study this morning.

I don't want people to go through life without joy.

Without joy, life is sad. I becomes dark, gray, miserable.
Without joy, death is full of sorrow, unknown, and endings.
Without joy, life is meaningless, pointless, and worthless.

With joy, life is beautiful. It becomes bright, colorful, and vibrant.
With joy, death means contentment, surety, and beginnings.
With joy, life is meaningful, purposeful, and worthwhile.

Joy comes from knowing the Savior.
If you know the Savior, you see the word "Creator" written on the rocks, the leaves, and the life.
If you know the Savior, you marvel and wonder at His works and at His omniscience.
If you know the Savior, you remember His resurrection when death occurs, and the great Plan for which He died.
If you know the Savior, you know why we're here. You know that He can help you make it through any trial, overcome any sin, and find His peace in any confusion.
If you know the Savior, you can find Him and feel His everlasting, true, and perfect joy.

THAT is why I want to share the gospel.
Because God made it possible for all of His children to come unto Him and find peace and joy forever.
All I have to do - and all YOU have to do - is share it.

Sister McKay

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