Monday, March 27, 2017

Peoples is Peoples 2

Once upon a time, Sister McKay actually found time to send pictures!


Eterna-gator. An investigator who doesn't want to get baptized but does want to keep investigating. For example, we teach a 69-year-old lady named Mildred who says she believes in God but isn't going to change religions unless she believes God is directly leading her to do so.

Which He is.

Through us.

Oh, well. She loves us and wants to learn more, but we'll have to stop going to see her because she's become an eterna-gator. Sadness.

White-washed. When two new missionaries are sent to an area. Most of the time, it's staggered so that missionaries don't have to start all over. One missionary will already be in an area, and another missionary will get transferred to be with them, learn about the area while they're together, and then be the one to stay when another missionary gets transferred to the area in place of their first companion. No one particularly wants to be white-washed to an area. But it could happen! And transfer calls are this weekend, so we'll see if it does.


Transfer calls?

*distant screaming*

Have I already been here almost a whole transfer?!


This week, Terra, the girl who was baptized on the 18th, got pretty sick. She was throwing up an such. So the elders gave her a blessing. We weren't there, but she did get better after a few days! She didn't come to church on Sunday, and we're not sure why, but we have plans to go see her this week, so we'll see if we can figure that out.

Two Tuesdays ago was District Meeting, in which we set a goal to contact 10 people every day. Since we were already halfway through the day by the time District Meeting was over, I asked everybody if we were going to go with only 5 contacts that day. They said, "Whaaaat! Sister McKay, you gotta have some faith!"


So, we had faith. And Sister Hale and I got 15 contacts that day.

I may or may not have had to repent.

Tiffany came out of those 15 contacts! She is the sweetest lady! She's in her 20s, and she let us in right away. She had seen the Restoration video and really liked it and related to it (whoo!!), and she told us we could stop by. We taught the Restoration and asked her to be baptized in the first lesson! And she said she wants to be baptized!

But... she wants to be baptized... with her child.

Um. Heuston, we have a problem. (Yes, I spelled "Heuston" right. Ask Indigo.)

So, she's not married, nor does she have any children. I quickly explained that they would have to be 8 to be baptized, thinking that she would say, "Oh, okay. Well, then, sure!"

Instead, we got, "Well, we can wait, right?"

Ummm... For your salvation?! N-not really!


So, we'll be working on that.

Macon Miracle

Because I'm being trained, we had to drive 300 miles round-trip to Macon for a training a couple Saturdays ago. We have 1200 miles a month. And we have a lot of driving to do because we cover an area with really spread-out houses.

We asked a member if she would be able to take us out to Wagener, a tiny town that's kinda out in the country. She said yes! And we got a new investigator out of it!

That was our #MaconMiracle of the week.

I want y'all to remember that Christ is the source of all the joy we feel. And never forget it.

Sister McKay

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful work Sister McKay, you are changing the world, one child of God at a time. We love you. Brother Ford
