Monday, March 13, 2017

In which, Sister McKay is kissed. Wait, what?

Exchanges and blisters:
So, I went on exchanges with Sister Bradshaw this Wednesday and Thursday. She's one of the Sister Training Leaders. I was in North Augusta, SC. It was fun! We visited some less actives, and we knocked a lot of doors. Let's see...

Oh! Good news! I got my first mission blisters!


Because of the limited miles we have per month (1200), and the fact that we have to drive to Macon this week for training (which is 300 miles away), we've decided to have a car fast every week. That means we walk everywhere. We don't use the car for anything whatsoever.

That also means we get blisters. And we knock. A lot.

But you should have seen Sister Hale's face when I realized I was getting blisters and was all excited!

Also, first door slammed in my face this week. That was monumental. It went something like this:

Sister Hale and Sister McKay walk up to a house and ring the doorbell.

A man answers the door.

Sisters Hale and McKay: Hiii!!

The man slams the door.

We walk away.

Sister McKay later realizes how sad this is, but at the moment is just gleeful because she isn't phased and is willing to continue working with a (perhaps overly) positive attitude.

In which the kiss is explained:
Soooo, all y'all are probably wondering why on earth I said I was kissed.

Well, truth is, I was.

By an old lady.

Probably one of the friendliest old ladies I'll ever meet.

As evidenced by the title.

On exchanges, we went to her house. She was apparently kind of high because she had just gotten back from the hospital where she'd gotten two shots for a strange bug bite she found that made her face turn red.


Anyway. She fed us girl scout cookies and milk, showed us her backyard (which was absolutely gorgeous!), and sat and talked with us about, um, working in the OR (operating room). Interesting stories were told.

As we were leaving, we prayed with her and her son in their garage (through the smell of cigarette smoke). Then she gave us each a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

It was fun!

I love missionary work.

Terra is 15 and is totally golden! I think I mentioned her in my post last week. I came into the picture about two lessons in, but the story is as follows.

Terra has a few Mormon friends.
They brought her to church and seminary.
She said she wanted to be baptized.
They said they'd better call the missionaries.
The missionaries met with her and taught her 1.5 lessons.
She prayed about baptism.
The third time she met with missionaries was when I came, and she said, "I prayed about march 18th, and I want to get baptized. I talked to my mom. We're good to go."
Missionary: *tries not to explode from happiness*

So, in the past two weeks, we've taught her all the lessons, planned her baptism, and watched her progress exponentially. It's so amazing! She gave up coffee and tea in an instant and hasn't (purposely) had any since our Word of Wisdom lesson. She's basically set for everything else. And when we came for our fifth lesson with her, she and her member friend had already sat down and planned literally the whole program for the baptism. Sooooo... Yeah.

The only problem is that Sister Hale and I can't go because we have a training meeting in Macon that day and her baptism has to be at 11:30. Sadness. But the cool thing is that she's going forward with it anyway!

In which Sister McKay realizes she refers to herself as Sister McKay:
That was just plain weird. I was going to say, "In which Sister McKay says goodbye," but it came out like that instead.

Alright, well. I love all y'all!! And I miss you!

The work is hard, but here's one of the quotes that has kinda become part of my personal motto:

"The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."
-Majorie Pay Hinckley

Sister McKay

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