Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Be Careful What You Pray For

Hump Week
I did the math last week, and it turns out my mission is halfway over, and I didn't even realize it!

Every day, I feel more and more of an urgency to share the gospel. I can't believe how quickly it's gone by and how little time I have left! My love for the gospel, for my Father in heaven, and for those around me has increased exponentially, and I just want everyone to have all the amazing blessings and opportunities I'm privileged to have!

Be Careful What You Pray for
In other news, we came the closest we've ever been to having an investigator come to church... without actually having one at church.

Reno, the dad of the Johnson family, came to church.

He was here.

He was at the door!

But he didn't know which one to come in.

At 9:02, he called us, but we had silenced our phone for sacrament meeting. We called him back as soon as the meeting got out. He said he had come to the building but didn't know which door to come in, so he left. He wanted to come, but we didn't answer, and he didn't come in.

We had prayed to have the Johnsons at church.

AT church, mind you.

But he didn't come in the church.

Hence, "Be Careful What You Pray for."

We'll continue to work with the Johnsons. They are such sweet people and we're so excited to have them come to church!

Y'all, the gospel is incredible. I'm on a mission now because I want people to have it. So live it! Live it with all you've got! It will bless your life more than you even know!

Love y'all!!

Sister McKay

1. The avenues in Albany, GA. I was on exchanges.
2 & 3. Also exchanges: I got to see the original Sherwood Baptist church!
4 & 5. The minion fire hydrant that every Tifton sister has to take a picture next to.
6 & 7. A garden spider. I walked out the door, felt a huge web on my skirt, and saw this ginormous spider in the doorway. I quickly jumped out of the way of the spider, whose web was now ruined, and, while my heart was still pounding a little, took a picture of the poor guy before heading to church. It died that day, and then I accidentally stepped on it a day or two later. Needless to say, I do not like having giant spiders in my doorway or giant spider guts on my shoe.
8. A "g-sled" at Walmart. "G-sled" is short for "ghetto sled."
Ghetto sled. A very old car with very new wheels, typically found in the ghetto of the South. Or Walmart.
9. Transfer predictions! Most everyone thinks I'm leaving Tifton, and half of them think I'll be in leadership this transfer. Any guesses?
10. District picture!
11. Sister Lanigan and myself taking a random selfie in the middle of Fulwood Park. It was a hard day, and I just decided to be spontaneous.
12. Last but not least, a very odd snail Sister Lanigan found while we were out walking after a rain storm. The wildlife here never ceases to amaze me.

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